DJI Mavic Air Battery Is Not Charging: What’s Wrong and What to Do?

Soб your drone’s battery is not charging? Here are a few reasons and their fixes.
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Last updatedLast updated: July 31, 2024
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DJI’s Mavic is undoubtedly one of the best drones in the market. This device is lightweight, making it easy to carry around, and it’ fast. Additionally, setting up the drone is quite easy and produces less noise during operation.

Despite these advantages, DJI Mavic has various challenges. One of the challenges you’re likely to encounter is the battery refusing to charge.

Is your DJI Mavic air battery not charging? This article highlights all the possible causes and what to do if you encounter such a problem. Let’s dive right in!

Why is Mavic Air Battery Not Charging?

Your DJI Mavic Air battery may refuse to charge due to several reasons. Some of them are discussed below.

Faulty Charger

DJI Mavic Air Battery Is Not Charging: What's Wrong and What to Do?One of the common reasons why your DJI Mavic air battery is not charging is due to a faulty charger. Your drone’s charger may develop issues after using it for some time due to natural wear and tear or when the fuse blows due to a power surge.

The first thing you should do when you encounter this problem is to assess the physical condition of your charger. Check if the charger’s cable is broken or damaged.

If your charger’s physical condition is okay, plug it into a different socket and connect it to your drone to see if the problem is the charger or socket. You can also charge another device with the same charger and see how it behaves.

Additionally, you can borrow a drone charger from a friend and see if it charges your device. If it works, your charger is the problem, and you may need to replace it. Finally, consider a volt tester Trusted Source How to Use a Voltage Tester? Non-Contact Voltage Tester A Voltage Tester is a very useful test equipment/device for home owners, DIYers and electricians. Its main job is to test whether AC Voltage is present or not. to check if the battery is dead.

Th best way to deal with this issue is to get a new charger. You can buy the DJI Mavic Air 2 Battery Charger or some other drone battery charger online or at a local store. When buying a drone charger, check if it’s compatible with your device to avoid damaging it further. Different retailers have different charger prices. Always do your homework properly to ensure you get the best deal.

Outdated Firmware

All the drones come with firmware that controls all their components, including the camera, motor sensors, propellers, and even the batteries.

After some time, your drone’s firmware becomes outdated. If you fail to update it, the battery may refuse to charge.

Drone manufacturers normally release updated software with advanced features for better functionality every once in a while. Always check if your manufacturer has released updated software and install it in your device to prevent this problem.

Damaged Battery

DJI Mavic Air Battery Is Not Charging: What's Wrong and What to Do?Another reason why your DJI drone’s battery refuses to charge is if it sustains damage or bricked.

Your drone’s battery may get damaged due to several reasons. One of the main causes is if you drain it completely. Storing a drone battery for a long period with zero charge can also ruin it.

Prevent drone battery charging issues by charging it enough before storing it, especially if you don’t plan to use it for some time. Also, avoid draining your drone’s battery completely before charging it.

Battery Temperature is Too Hot or Too Cold

DJI Spark uses Lithium-ion batteries. These batteries can withstand a wide range of temperatures, but they also have a limit.

Huge temperature fluctuations within the battery cause various chemical reactions. If a battery’s temperature is too high or too low, it won’t charge. Additionally, there is a good probability that charging the battery will cause damage.

If your battery’s temperature is too high, place it in a cool dry place to cool. On the other hand, if it’s too cold, place it in a warm place to raise the temperature a bit and then charge it.

Your Drone’s Battery has Gone into Hibernation Mode

DJI Mavic Air Battery Is Not Charging: What's Wrong and What to Do?Some drones have batteries with a hibernation mode. With this mode, your battery will only lose 50% of its charge when not in use and store the rest, protecting it from degradation or damage.

Batteries in hibernation mode don’t charge properly. The best way to know if your drone’s battery has gone into hibernation mode is to check if the LED lights are constantly blinking red when you plug it in. You can also press the power button and check if the LED light glows red for some time and then goes off.

Take your drone’s battery out of hibernation mode to improve its charging abilities by following these steps.

  1. Push down the power button to turn on the battery. The charge level LEDs will go off, and the power LED will be red.
  2. Leave the battery in this state for about 5 minutes, and the power LED will go off.
  3. Connect the battery to a genuine DJI charger.
  4. Leave the battery plugged into the charger for a few hours, even if you don’t notice any LED activity. During this period, do not attempt to power on or disconnect the drone.
  5. After a short while, your battery will come out of hibernation and start charging normally.
  6. Charge your battery to its full capacity.

High Amperage

High amperage can damage your drone’s battery and it may refuse to charge completely. The battery may also implode at worse.

This problem normally occurs due to a fault Trusted Source Types of Electrical Faults: What Are the Types of Electrical Faults in Domestic System? Safety is of the utmost importance when it comes to electrical faults, whether it is a flickering tube light, over-the-top electricity bills, power surges or damage to electronic appliances due to water or rain, or other reasons.  in your home’s electrical system. Using an outdated or unofficial charger can also cause high amperage issues.

Ask a certified electrician to check regularly if your home’s electrical circuit is in good condition. Also, get a new charger for your drone and ensure it’s the one recommended by the manufacturer. To be on the safer side, get a smart charger. It will sense when there’s too much amperage in your socket and prevent it from reaching your batteries.

Damaged Charging Port

Inserting and removing the chargers in the batteries too frequently may cause the tiny metallic pins in the charging port to bend or deteriorate after some time. Excessive dirt may also accumulate in the charging port, causing corrosion.

A damaged charging port prevents electric current from passing through, preventing your drone’s battery from charging.

Carefully straighten the bent pins on your drone’s charging port with a needle to restore functionality.

If excess debris has accumulated on the charging port, take a tiny toothpick, cautiously insert the tip into the port and gently move it to loosen the dirt. Blow air into the port to get rid of the loosened dirt. Repeat these steps severally until you remove all the dirt. To remove corrosion from the charging port, clean it with isopropyl alcohol.

Bad Battery Cells

DJI Mavic Air Battery Is Not Charging: What's Wrong and What to Do?DJI Mavic drone’s battery features three cells. Each cell should be healthy for proper functionality. Otherwise, your battery won’t charge properly. As a result, the battery may run too low during a flight and start producing a beeping sound.

The main sign of a damaged battery cell is swelling. You can easily fix a swollen drone battery in a few simple steps, as discussed below.

  1. Gently open the drone’s battery from the backside.
  2. Pull the tiny black cover slowly to avoid damaging the wire inside.
  3. Make tiny holes in the three cells using a needle.
  4. Gently squeeze the cells until the battery returns to its original shape.
  5. After that, cover the holes with electrical tape to prevent moisture from getting into the battery.
  6. Attach the battery’s components one by one.
  7. Test if the battery is working properly.

If you can’t fix the battery, consider replacing it. A swollen drone battery can explode anytime, damaging your entire device, which is the last thing you’d want. Check the serial number on your Mavic Air 2 Drone to know the right battery to buy.

Battery Installation Error 30068

DJI Mavic Air Battery Is Not Charging: What's Wrong and What to Do?After installing the DJI Mavic Air Battery on your drone Trusted Source Drones: how to fly them safely and legally Article focuses on commercially bought drone systems, model aircraft, providing advice on flying safely, looking at guidance and laws that surround their use. , you may get a 30068 installation error, notifying you that you need to install it correctly.

This problem normally occurs due to a weak connection between compartment terminals and the battery.

You can easily deal with this issue by cleaning the battery, and the drone compartment terminal with a cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol. During this process, you need to be careful to avoid misaligning the terminals. After that, put the battery back and see if it’s working.

If you get the error message again, it means the connection is still weak. Keep cleaning the terminals carefully until the connection becomes strong and the drone begins working.

The 30068 installation error may also occur due to misalignment during delivery or at the manufacturing assembly line. Dealing with this issue is quite easy. All you need is a flat screwdriver to align the terminals. However, you should be careful to avoid causing further damage and risk not enjoying the warranty.

Alternatively, you can return the battery to the manufacturer for replacement before the acceptable return period elapses.

How to Maintain Mavic Air Battery

DJI Mavic Air Battery Is Not Charging: What's Wrong and What to Do?Here are some tips you can use to maintain your Mavic batteries and enable them to serve you longer.

Never Use a Third-party Charger

One of the best ways to maintain your Mavic Air Battery and extend its lifespan is to avoid using a third-party charger. Such chargers can send a high-power voltage to the batteries and damage them. They may also make the batteries swell or slow the charging process.

Never Charge the Battery Right After the Drone Flight

When you fly your drone, the battery normally heats up. Charging drone battery immediately causes the temperatures to rise further, leading to damage. Give the battery some time to cool off before plugging it into the charger.

Avoid Storing the Batteries When They’re Less Than 20%

If you don’t plan on using your Mavic Air Battery for some time, ensure its charge is above 20%. Batteries normally discharge on their own when stored. If it’s less than 20%, it will discharge to a point where it can no longer accept a charge.

Some drones, like the DJI Mavic Air 2 have batteries with a hibernation mode to prevent them from discharging completely. However, when your drone’s battery goes into hibernation mode frequently, it can get damaged quickly.

Don’t Store Batteries When They’re 100% Charged

Another way to maintain your Mavic Air Batteries is to avoid storing them when they’re 100% charged, especially if you don’t plan to use them in the next ten days. This is because fully charged batteries normally discharge quickly, shortening their lifespan.

Ideally, you should store your batteries when they’re 40-60% charged. Therefore, if they’re fully charged, look for a way to discharge them up to that level. For automatic discharging, consider buying drone batteries with a smart feature like the DJI Mavic Air 2 -Intelligent Flight Battery.

Final thoughts

Dealing with DJI Mavic Air Battery not charging issues can be frustrating. Try any of the solutions above to see if your battery will start working normally. If not, then it might be time to get a new battery. Properly maintain your new Mavic Air Battery to avoid experiencing this issue again. If you experience the same problem with other DJI drones, read our articles on DJI Phantom 4 and DJI Spark battery not charging.


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Safety is of the utmost importance when it comes to electrical faults, whether it is a flickering tube light, over-the-top electricity bills, power surges or damage to electronic appliances due to water or rain, or other reasons.
Drones: how to fly them safely and legally
Article focuses on commercially bought drone systems, model aircraft, providing advice on flying safely, looking at guidance and laws that surround their use.
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